Well well well, I used to use Tviso for tracking my series and movies. These came from old and hacky serliesly. But focus on topic, I need an app for mobile and Tviso’s not working at the moment. Trak.tv doesn’t have but seems a standard, I can integrate it in my HomeAssistant, Unraid, Radar and bla bla …

Step one export your database from Tviso in JSON and saved as code


Then download this repo


Enter to the folder and

yarn install
  • Replace the tviso.json file with your tviso.json
  • Replace user and password in cypress/integration/pending.json
  • Replace user and password in cypress/integration/watched.json
yarn run cypress open

Start with the one you prefer and let the magic happen.

Tips & Tricks

If it doesn’t log in properly, open the console in the cypress browser (F12 and console tab).

This is not a Volkswagen, maybe you have to run multiple times to get the result.

After every successful run, it will appear a file with the titles that was not found in the searches.

After all please check it manually there are names that change a little or have a UK/USA version.